Types of Magnetic Healing Machines
Rife Machines
Based on the original designs of Royal R. Rife, Rife machines create magnetic fields in order to help relax a person's pain and to help them heal more quickly. A personal Rife unit is a small device that creates an electromagnetic field that is held over the area of the body that requires the attention of the magnet to heal. In theory, this device will match your body's frequency, and create a field that will echo it and synchronize with you in order to provide relief. These units cost upwards of $1,000, which may seem ridiculously high.
Pulsed Generators
Another type of personal magnetic healing device is the pulsed magnetic field generator. This device is similar in size to a Rife machine, and its function is similar. However, where a Rife machine creates a continuous, electromagnetic field, a pulsed generator creates a pulsing electromagnetic field. This device is supposed to help people increase their blood flow, and the pulsed magnetic fields are supposed to assist the body in regenerating tissue. These devices are less expensive than Rife devices, costing only a few hundred dollars.
Magnetic Acupressure
In addition to simple field generators, several products currently on the market combine magnetic therapy with other forms of alternative health treatments. One of these products is the magnetic acupressure massage system. It uses mechanical massagers that put pressure on certain points of the body to relax tension and increase blood flow. These massage units are also fitted with magnets so that they can benefit from the blood flow-inducing benefits of the magnetic fields, which are supposed to increase the effectiveness of the massage as it's being done.