Magnetic Bracelet Making Supplies
Choose from a variety of materials on which to base your bracelet. Use rubber coated wire, leather strips, elastic, string or fishing wire. These materials area available at any craft or hardware store or use items you find around your house. Plan the style of bracelet you'll make to guide your collection of supplies. You'll need to purchase clasps if you plan on making the bracelets to size. Bracelets made of string or leather can be left open and tied by the wearer around the wrist.
Look for a source of neodymium iron boron magnets to make your magnetic bracelets that provide therapeutic properties. Consider the size of the wrist for the bracelet to determine the size of the magnets. Magnets that come with a hole drilled in them to slide easily over a wire or string are available at sites such as A 1/4 diameter by 1/2-inch long plated magnet runs about $7. Remember to consider shipping when ordering online.
A magnetic bracelet does not require a complete ring of magnets to be effective. Many therapeutic magnetic bracelets on the market have just a few magnets set between copper pieces, beads and stones. Look at jewelry making supply houses such as Caleb's Lighthouse (see link in Resources) for beads, shells and other pieces to fill out the string and create a stylish piece of jewelry.
Combine the magnets with copper for additional healing powers. Copper is a natural mineral found in the body that aids in the healing process. Copper helps with blood flow, metabolism and energy. Include pieces of copper in each bracelet to provide you with an extra boost. Find copper for jewelry making at websites such as
Beware of the dangers of magnets when you have them spread out and organized for the bracelet making process. Keep supplies away from your computers, compact discs and credit cards so they don't demagnetize them. When giving or selling your bracelets, be sure to warn people with pacemakers or defibrillators that magnets must remain at least 18 inches away from medical devices. Pregnant women should avoid wearing magnets.