How to Use Magnetic Therapy While Traveling
Things You'll Need
- Small inexpensive magnets that can be packed easily in luggage
- Magnetic pillow
Have Magnet, Will Travel
Wear a magnetic bracelet during road or sea trips. Many swear by replacing their Dramamine with magnetic therapy to help prevent nausea due to constant rolling motion while traveling.
Place small magnets around areas that have tightened up during long travel days to relax the body.
Bring your own magnetic pillow with you when traveling and rest easily in an unfamiliar bed.
Treat travel irregularity by placing small magnets on the outside of the leg, below the knee, and on the back of the hand in the webbed area between the thumb and first finger.
Prevent the disruption of your golf vacation by placing small magnets on the point of each shoulder and in the "V" between the thumb and the first finger to help alleviate shoulder pain. Consult an illustrated guide for exact placement (see Resources below).