Proper Wear of Magnetic Bracelets
How to Wear
Magnetic bracelets can be worn on either wrist. Experiment with each wrist to discover which works best, but as a general rule, wear the bracelet on the arm that is experiencing the pain. Most people wear the bracelet on the left wrist, because the heart pumps blood down the left side of the body first. As the blood flows through the arm, the magnets increase the flow and oxygenate and energize the blood, thereby helping relieve pain in the wrist, hand, fingers, arm and elbow. This same action will also work on the right side. You can wear a magnetic bracelet for any length of time, even to bed, but you should take it off when you take a shower or go swimming.
Magnets and Warnings
Every magnet has a north and south polarity; but magnetic bracelets are uni-pole (also known as bipolar), with two polarities on each side of the magnets, so you can place either side against your skin. It should be noted that wearing a magnetic bracelet will only help relieve pain in a person's wrist, hand and arm up to his or her shoulder.
There are no known side effects to wearing a magnetic bracelet. Holistic practitioners believe that most magnetic bracelets do not work, because the magnets that are used are too weak to penetrate the skin. The strength of the magnets must be a minimum of 800 gauss (a unit of magnetic measurement), but no higher than 2,000 for a bracelet. There are stronger magnets, but they should only be used in the presence of a licensed practitioner. If a person has a pacemaker, defibrillator, insulin pump or any electro-medical device, he or she must keep the bracelet or any magnetic piece of jewelry eighteen inches away from the device or risk damaging the equipment.