Magnet Therapy for Menstrual Pain
History and Use
Magnets have been used in a therapeutic way for thousands of years by civilizations such as the Ancient Egyptians and Greeks. Today, there are many believers in magnetic pain therapy. While some studies have found that there are no particular benefits to magnetic therapy, some individuals claim otherwise. Most of the evidence in favor of magnetic therapy seems to be anecdotal. However, if you're interested in seeing if magnet therapy works for you, find a type of magnet that is suited to the task at hand. There are some brands, like the LadyCare or mn8, that are specifically made for menstrual cramps as well as menopause relief, that clip to your underwear about four inches below the navel. You can also purchase magnetic pads. The theory behind the therapy is that it works by improving blood flow to the area around the uterus, thereby preventing the buildup of lactic acid that could cause painful cramps. The magnets are supposed to be worn beginning one or two days before the start of your period and throughout its duration. For maximum results, plan to wear the magnets for as much time as possible, up to 24 hours a day.
Side Effects
The manufacturers say there might be a slight "detox" effect during the first few days of wear, resulting in mild nausea and a headache. Magnets are safe to use with blood pressure medication, metal inserts in the body, and uterine coils. You may even experience shinier hair, brighter eyes, stronger nails, and increased energy levels with regular use. However, you should never utilize magnet therapy if you have a pacemaker, defibrillator, or other implantable medical device. Sources disagree on the magnet's effects on wound bleeding. Some claim that magnets can stop bleeding faster than normal, while others warn that it may increase the flow of blood. Use care if you plan to use the magnets near any open wounds. The FDA currently considers magnets to be of no particular medical use and sees them as harmless.