Magnet Therapy for Coccyx Pain
Get a Medical Diagnosis for Coccyx Pain
Visit a doctor or surgeon to identify the exact cause of your coccyx pain and rule out serious conditions such as dislocations, fractures or malignancies that might require immediate medical treatment.
Purchasing Magnets
Although some health food shops sell magnets, most can be found on the Internet through therapeutic magnet distributors such as Therion Research. Only buy neodymium magnets, which are the most powerful on earth.
Applying Magnets
For coccyx and tailbone pain, purchase two 1-inch spot magnets of no less than 13,500 gauss. Tape the north side of the magnet over the painful spot on or near the coccyx using waterproof surgical tape. If there is no lessening of the pain, move the magnet until you find the exact location that most effectively reduces your discomfort. Try stacking two spot magnets on top of each other for extra pain relief.
If you're sitting all day, a magnetic seat pad can help reduce pain in the tailbone or coccyx area. It also improves blood circulation, muscle stress and oxygenation, reducing inflammation. A study published in the "Italian Journal of Medical Ergonomics" showed a significant decrease in muscular tension in the lumbar area after the use of magnet seat pads.
Purchase a magnetic mattress or mattress pad. The best have powerful small magnets or magnetic strips under the covering. The strong magnetic energy is claimed to improve circulation and reduce inflammation of joints, muscles and injuries during sleep.
There are also a wide variety of comfortable magnetic wraps, supports and braces available which effectively reduce coccyx and tailbone pain, accelerating the body's attempts to heal.
Magnet therapy should never be used if you're pregnant, or wearing a pacemaker, defibrillator or any other implanted medical device.