How Can Nikken Magnets Help Your Body?
The Basics
We live in a world full of sunshine and darkness, oxygen and nitrogen, electricity and magnetism. As explained on the Nikken website, the earth itself is a giant magnet. It has two poles, the south and north, one positive and one negative, creating a large magnetic field that protects us from the radiation in space. Magnets and electricity work hand in hand. Magnets create electricity and electricity creates magnetic fields. Since our bodies run on electrical impulses (such as the ones that keep your heart beating) and those same impulses account for many human ailments, it stands to reason that using magnets to control those electrical impulses could only be beneficial.
The Technology
According to National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, humans have been using magnets to treat pain for centuries, ever since they first noticed the presence of naturally magnetized stones, called lodestones. By the third century A.D., Greek physicians were using magnetized metal to treat arthritis, and by the Middle Ages, doctors used magnets to treat ailments such as gout, poisoning, and baldness. Today, like then, most of magnets require the use of electricity to create the magnetic field. Nikken has developed a special patented technology that creates an active magnetic field without the use of electricity. The benefit is that these "static magnets" produce a consistent flow of energy.
The Benefits
Studies on the effects of magnets are not definitive, but users will tell you magnets help improve blood flow, increase oxygen levels in the body, help with pain, relax muscles, decrease tension, and relieve depression and stress. Magnets encourage feelings of well-being and soothe inflammation by flushing out toxins. Magnet therapy is used for fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, cell rejuvenation, and Parkinson's disease. Most encouraging is that, aside from someone with an implanted electronic device, such as a pace maker, there seems to be no ill effects associated with the use of magnets.