How Does Electromagnetic Therapy Increase Bone Mass & Bone Strength?
An electromagnetic simulation
Electromagnetic Therapy
Electromagnetic therapy involves the use of a pulsed electromagnetic field, or PEMF, to stimulate tissue and cell masses. This technology is designed to work with the electrical activity that exists in the body. Electrical signaling processes between cells, tissues and bone structures are an essential component of healthy functions. As bone structures are made up of individual cell networks, electromagnetic therapy works to stimulate the processes conducive to adding bone mass and strength.
Extracellular Matrix Effects
Bones are surrounded by materials that contribute to their health and strength. The extracellular matrix is made up of nonliving materials like fluid, collagen and tendons. Electromagnetic therapy induces a series of energy waves that work to stimulate the cell processes within the extracellular matrix. This stimulation helps to improve cellular functions in the materials that contribute to bone cell metabolism. The health of bone cell metabolism processes affects the overall mass and strength of the bones.
Electrical Signaling
The electrical currents used in electromagnetic devices can assist with regulating the electrical signals that pass between bone structures and extracellular materials. Electrical currents stimulate the cell membrane pathways that move materials in and out of bone cells. Improved signal transmissions enable cell structures to better coordinate and process nutrients.
Bone Mass
Electromagnetic therapy improve the calcium transport processes involved in bone metabolism. Improved transport processes help to coordinate signaling functions and provide cellular structures with nutrient. Short daily exposures to electromagnetic fields can stimulate bone formation processes in advanced cases of decalcification.
Bone Strength
Bones are made of calcium, phosphates and trace mineral elements. Alpha Quartz is a mineral element that assists in the electrical signaling processes that take place within the cells. When this element is stimulated, or compressed it attracts osteoblasts--or bone forming cells--to the areas of stimulation. These cells in turn work to strengthen the area by building up extra bone material. The pulses generated by electromagnetic therapy devices can be adjusted to simulate stress, or compression effects in bone structures, which in turn, stimulate osteoblast processes.