Magnets for Healing
The type of magnets used for healing are not refrigerator magnets. The type of magnets used in healing are biomagnets. Biomagnets are specially manufactured magnets for healing.
Healing Properties
It is suggested that biomagnets heal by stimulating the body to heal naturally. It is thought that biomagnets restore the magnetic balance of cells, enhance circulation, positively effect the pH balance of cells and influence hormone production.
There are many types of biomagnets. Biomagnets can be used just about anywhere, under mattresses and pillows to be slept on. There are special shoe insoles made of biomagnets. There are also biomagnetic wraps, jewelry and back supports.
The type and power of the biomagnet to be used is determined by the illness. The type of biomagnet also depends upon the severity of illness, the body area that is being treated and the patients sensitivity to biomagnetic therapy.
Biomagnets should not be used while pregnant. They shouldn't be used on a person with a pacemaker or with metal implants. Care should be taken in using magnets over the heart.