Healing Power of Magnets
Relieve Pain
Magnets are able to relieve pain and discomfort, including injuries and headaches. Placing a magnet at the point of pain can help reduce swelling and inflammation.
Restore Energy
Magnets have been found to restore and increase energy, through the removal of congested energy within the body. This type of magnetic use can be repeated numerous times on a painful area as well.
Broken Bones
When a magnet is placed with the north-pointing pole facing the body over a fracture or broken bone, the magnet will help with the healing process.
Using Magnets
In the use of a magnet for healing, the north-pointing pole will give energy, while the south-pointing pole will draw energy.
Increase Sexual Energy
Sexual energy can be increased by sitting on the north pole of a magnet. This use will center the energy of the spine and increase the activity of the sexual glands.