Auricular Therapy to Quit Smoking
Traditional methods to quit smoking consist of quitting cold turkey or with the help of a doctor's prescription, but often these methods do not work. When these methods fail, auricular therapy can help, improving the smoker's poor health and decreasing the affects of second-hand smoke.
About Auricular Therapy
Auricular therapy is a painless procedure using the same principle as acupuncture only without the needles. Stimulating specific points in and around the ear (either by rubbing the ear between the thumb and index finger, or through the use of magnets) disrupts the transmission from your body to your brain---when your body's nicotine level is low---reducing the cravings.
Auricular therapy stems from the work of a French physician, Dr. Paul Nogier, who found that cauterizing a place on a person's ear reduced his symptoms of sciatica (pain in the backs of the legs). Further studies led the doctor to fully map out the ear, discovering many other spots that seemed to trigger positive results for treating ailments all over the body.
Smokers who have tried auricular therapy have had mixed results, and, ultimately, you must have the proper willpower to quit smoking regardless of the type of therapy you use.
How to Use Auricular Therapy
Plan your auricular therapy by making an appointment in a clinic or doctor's office where auricular therapy is practiced, or self-administer the therapy yourself.
Self-administered auricular therapy consists of rubbing or massaging the ear for 20 to 30 minutes per session, four times per day.
While seated with your chin straight, start near the top of the ear, taking the outer lobe of your ear lightly between your thumb and index finger. Gently unroll the outer edge of the ear flap, pulling upward and outward, massaging gently as you go. After 15 minutes, switch to a lower point on the outer part of the ear, pulling or "milking" downward toward your shoulders, all the way to the apex of the ear lobe.
One tip for this technique is to apply a small amount of massage oil to your thumb and index finger so that you never pull your ear too tightly. Also, while massaging the outer ear, open your mouth and vocalize vowel sounds. This resonates inside your head and helps you fall into a relaxed, meditative state, potentially reducing your craving to smoke.
You may use auricular therapy every day, as long as needed until you have completely quit smoking.