How to Do Blue Room Manifesting
Decide on what you want to manifest or bring into being. It may be a new relationship, a better job, a car, a new relationship or home. It's important that you strongly visualize the end result in your mind. Details are important. For example, if you desire a new girlfriend, think in your mind what she looks like, how she sounds, what she wears and what her interests are. The more strongly you can picture what you desire in detail, the more the end result will match your original wish.
The Blue Room Meditation technique is based on the supposition that all energy is connected and that a visit to this "room" will bring the energies together to help you fulfill your destiny by providing you with your desires. -
Breath deep, long breaths and picture yourself entering the Blue Room. It is calm, quiet and bathed in a soft, blue light. Shut out all outside noises and interruptions and focus on meeting this girl of your dreams. Imagine what your first words to her will be and picture her reacting favorably to your body language and personality. Actually imagine how it would feel if you held her hand or hugged her.
If your greatest desire is to purchase a new home, visualize yourself signing the papers for a house that matches all of your specifications. Picture the placement of the doors and windows and the architecture of the structure. Actually "see" your family working and playing inside the home. Again, the more specific you can be in your visualizations, the more your dreams will match your manifestations. -
Feel the strength and positive energy flowing through your body even as you leave the Blue Room. The after-effects of the encounter will linger on indefinitely, demonstrating the power and magnitude of the manifesting visit.
Continue visiting the Blue Room in your mind for as long as it takes for your wants and desires to take shape. As you become accustomed to the routine, you will feel stronger and more in tune with your manifestation choices. You will be surprised at how signs and signals appear in your life signifying that your wishes are coming true. Coincidences will begin occurring and people will show up in your life to help you find your dreams.