How to Trick Yourself Into Believing You're Warm
Go to a quiet place where you can be alone and won't be distracted. Sit comfortably, or if you prefer, lay down. You can remain standing if you feel at ease that way. Close your eyes.
Focus on your breathing, which should be slow, steady and deep abdominal. Your belly should expand rhythmically with each inhale and shrink with each exhale.
Imagine a warm, colored light radiating up from the ground, once your breathing is steady. Make the light a warm color such as orange, yellow or red. Imagine this light is coming from the core of the earth.
Start with your feet. Imagine that the light is moving through each foot, one at a time, over each part and each toe. Feel the light warm the foot from the skin down to the bone.
Imagine the light is moving up through your body slowly, one body part at a time. Have it go through your ankles, your calves, you knees and your thighs.
Let visualized warm light radiate throughout your whole body. Concentrate harder and longer on the body parts closest to your core. Visualize your limbs first, your hands and arms after your legs and feet, arriving at last to your head and trunk.
Visualize the warm light within the core of your body, flowing through each organ. Breathe in the warm light with each inhale, and get rid of any cold energy with each exhale.
Acknowledge the feel of any clothing you have on is helping to keep you warm, along with heat source in your surroundings. Acknowledge also anything making you cold, like the wind, and visualize the warm light blocking it.
With practice, meditation to make you feel warmer will only take a few minutes. Feel yourself getting warmer to the point of feeling hot. Imagine sweat beads forming on your brow. Place the warm light inside of your chest to stay there and keep your warm.
Slowly open your eyes.