How to Boost Your Subconscious Power
Things You'll Need
- Comfortable chair
- Soft, ambient music
- Journal and pen
Find a quiet place where you will not be interrupted for at least a half hour. Self-hypnosis, like other meditation techniques, requires inward focus. Finding time away from fussing children and ringing telephones can ensure the technique will produce the intended results. Play some soft, ambient music to mute any residual noise from outside or from other parts of the building.
Sit or recline in a large comfortable chair and begin to breathe slowly. Close your eyes and continue breathing, focusing on the sensation of the air coming into and leaving your lungs and nasal passages. Focusing on the breath is a well-known technique used by general meditators and hypnosis practitioners.
Imagine a set of old stairs in a large house. As you breathe out, imagine yourself taking one step down towards the bottom of the staircase. Continue to visualize walking down the stairs, counting backwards from 20 to 1. As the process ensues, feel your body becoming relaxed and heavy. Many people report feeling warmer at this point, as well.
Visualize a door at the bottom of the stairs. Open a door, walk through it and look around. Imagine a comforting image like a beach or forest clearing. As you stand within the image, try to look, listen and feel with your emotions and senses. You may hear the waves crashing on the beach or see a small insect crawl up a blade of grass, for example. You may smell the salt air or feel the breeze coming through the trees.
Recite a positive affirmation while in the trance state. Gently repeat your affirmation as if it were already true. For example, if you are trying to lose weight, you can say, "I eat to fulfill my body's nutritional and spiritual needs and am becoming more slender and fit every day." If you are combatting anxiety, you could say, "I am relaxed and content because everything is as it should be at this present moment."
Journey back through the door. Bring your main focus back to your breathing and walk up the stairs. As you climb, feel yourself becoming more aware of your physical surroundings. When you reach the top, open your eyes and come back the present moment. Relax for a few more minutes before engaging in day-to-day activity. Journal about the experience to help it really "sink in."