How to Locate Your Chi
Find a quiet area where you will not be disturbed and set a timer for five minutes. Sit on the edge of a cushion or folded towel on the floor and fold your feet toward the body. If this position is uncomfortable, you can sit upright in a chair. Cup the fingers of your left hand, and place your hand, with your palm facing up, in your lap. Cup the fingers of your right hand, with your palm up, and rest it on top of your left hand.
Relax your entire body, but keep your back straight and your chin up. Close your eyes slightly and breathe softly through your nose. Pay close attention to each breath.
Recognize that you are feeling your chi at work. Remain calm and continue focusing on your breathing pattern. Acknowledge any discomfort you may be feeling, but do not dwell on it. Do not think about breathing or allow your mind to drift -- concentrate on each breath until the timer buzzes.
Practice this form of meditation every day until it seems natural, extending the time of each sitting. Slowly, begin to control you chi by extending the lengths of your breath. Recognize that this is different than controlling the breath with your mind. If thoughts enter your mind, notice the distraction and return to your breathing exercise. Do not follow your thoughts.
Practice this technique while performing daily tasks or relaxing at night. Continue practicing even after you feel like you've found your chi. You should feel one with your body's natural energy.