How to Slow Down Brainwave Frequencies
Things You'll Need
- Binaural beats
- Stereo with headphones
Select a location where you will not be disturbed. The location should have dim or minimal lighting and be quiet. Wear comfortable clothes that are loose. Sit in a meditative posture such as lotus (if it is comfortable) or take a seat in a comfortable chair, such as a Lazy Boy. Alternatively, you can lie down; caution is advised because lying down can put you to sleep.
Download binaural beats. Binaural beats are audio samples that alter brainwave frequencies. Select binaural beats that are designed to be at the state you wish to achieve. For example, binaural beats that are designed to put the mind into delta would slow the brainwaves down the most. Listen to the binaural beats through stereo headphones. Set the volume to a low level of background noise.
Close your eyes and begin concentrating on your breath. Focus all your attention on the process of breathing in and out. Once you have established observing the natural rhythm, begin to slow down the process of breathing. Take longer to inhale and longer to exhale; increase the length of inhalations and exhalations very gradually. Brainwaves will take their cue from breath. The breath dictates our state of mind. It is impossible to panic when breathing slowly and regularly.
Continue focusing on breathing as your body and mind adjust to the slowed pace. Once you have reached the slowest comfortable rate of breathing, maintain it. Continue to focus solely on the breath. A single-pointed mind will result in lower brainwave frequencies. The mind that is focusing on a number of tasks and thoughts is using a higher frequency. Singularity of thought results in a calm and slow brainwave frequency. If the mind wanders from the breath, gently bring it back with calm equanimity.