How to Do Instant Deep Meditations
Meditation involves overcoming stress and frustration by transforming negative thoughts into positive ones in order to rebalance ourselves, refocus and gain insight from mistakes, stress and frustration. Meditation is practiced in many religious traditions and has been tied to studies that show it improves health. People who practice meditation produce more of specific brain chemicals, called endorphins, that make them happier and able to focus better than people who do not. Instant deep meditation involves the use of music and specific guided meditations to induce the brain to produce more endorphins more quickly than regular meditation, according to the Centerpoint Research Institute.Things You'll Need
- MP3 player or CD player
- CD for Instant Deep Meditation
Find a comfortable spot where no one will disturb you for at least 15 minutes. Put your headphones on and put the instant deep meditation CD or MP3 on. These CDs can be purchased online from companies such as Holosync, The EOC Institute and The Meditation Solution. In order to practice instant deep meditation, you will require one or more of these CDs or MP3s.
Listen to the CD, which will play music set against the sounds of nature, such as running water. The music is designed to relax your brain faster. In addition, the CD includes subliminal messages which are suggestions to the subconscious mind. The messages, which you often choose when you buy the CD, are recorded at an audio level above human hearing underneath the music. Some companies that produce instant deep meditation CDs, such as the Centerpoint Research Institute, offer you the option of choosing and recording your own affirmations in your own voice. Other programs, such as EquiSync, have actors record quotes by famous people. One EquiSync CD features a quote by Mark Twain: "I've experienced many terrible things in my life, a few of which actually happened." The program also has sayings by the author and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar, including ""Worry is a misuse of the imagination."
Clear your mind of any chains of thoughts that may enter it while you are listening to the music. Try to enjoy the music in a blissful state of nothingness. If it helps you to visualize, imagine your thoughts are balloons that you release one by one until you are left with empty hands. Gradually you should feel more relaxed and your head should feel clearer.
If you repeat this form of meditation for at least 15 minutes a day your brain patterns should change and your brain wave activity will slow down to a state of deep relaxation, called alpha, which is a focused, yet still, relaxed state. This is the state in which you learn the most, retain the most information and are the calmest. You are usually in this state when you are watching a good television show or reading a good book. The more often you meditate the easier it will be to achieve a state of calm.