What Is Needed to Release the Power of the Subconscious Mind?
Strength Recognition
The best-selling book "The Secret," written by Rhonda Byrne, discusses how important the subconscious is to success. One of the basic assertions of the book is that like attracts like. In other words, if a person exudes positive energy and confidence, she will attract positive energy into her experience.
Conversely, negative people attract negative people. Once you accept the power of the subconscious, then you can begin harnessing its power to manifest what you want in your life. It is not always easy to change negative thinking, but it is worth the effort. By brainwashing the subconscious, an individual can use the power of her mind to finally access the life she desires.
Without knowing it, many parents pass along limiting beliefs that keep their offspring from achieving goals. For instance, if your mother always told you that you were clumsy every time you spilled your milk as a child, then you probably believe you are clumsy, at least at a subconscious level. If your dream is to be a professional basketball player, then reprogram your subconscious to get past your core belief that you are clumsy.
One proven method for reprogramming core beliefs is to visualize success. That involves sitting still, closing your eyes and imagining a goal, such as making a layup that wins a basketball game. See yourself performing with grace and power. Feel your heart beating. Hear the crowd cheering. The more emotional you are, feeling the experience and seeing it happen, the more effective the effort is to change your subconscious.
Positive Affirmations
When you tune into your self-talk and it reinforces negative thoughts about yourself, stop what you are doing and change your thoughts immediately to positive thoughts. Being consistent and mindful to correct the self-deprecating inner voice that we all hear at times will eventually turn your life around.
While skeptics do not believe in the benefits of hypnosis, the American Medical Association legitimized the practice for many people with its 1958 endorsement of hypnosis as a form of treatment. For years, trained professionals have used hypnosis to reprogram a person's thinking to assist him with life. Hypnosis does not work for everyone. For many individuals, however, hypnosis has been a blessing. People have quit smoking, lost weight and cured phobias by being hypnotized. Hypnosis is powerful because it reprograms the subconscious.