How to Install Music on a Proteus Mind Machine
Things You'll Need
- Computer with Windows 98 or later version
- Internet connection
Load the Proteus editor software onto your computer. Visit Mind Place Support (see References) and select Proteus. Select "Proteus Session Editor" and download it to your computer. The session editor is free and enables you to change and transfer music programs.
Visit the Proteus Program Store. The Proteus Mind Machine user manual recommends Mind Place, but other sites also carry Proteus music session downloads. Select a new program that appeals to you. The programs are titled and categorized according to their intended beneficial effects. For example, titles in the "Peak Performance" category include "Power Regenerator" and "Peak Composure." Other categories include "Relaxation," "Well-being," "Energizing" and "Sleep." Click on the session that you want and then select "Add to basket" or "Proceed to checkout."
Download the new sessions. Once purchased, you will be prompted by your computer to select a download location. Select a location that is easy to find, such as "Desktop," or create a folder specifically for your Proteus Mind Machine sessions and call it "Proteus Music."
Connect the Proteus Mind Machine to the computer with the serial transfer cable supplied. The Mind Machine is compatible with "Windows 98" and subsequent versions. Your computer must have either a DB9 or RS232 connector. If it doesn't, you can use a USB serial connector cable, but this does not come included.
Select "PC Mode" on the Mind Machine. This tells the Mind Machine to communicate with the computer. Your operating system will prompt you to transfer data from the computer to the Mind Machine. Select the new music sessions that you wish to load onto the Mind Machine. The Mind Machine can hold up to 199 sessions. If it is full, you will see a message prompting you to delete some sessions from the Mind Machine before transferring new ones.