How to Practice Daily Meditation
A garden is an excellent place for meditation. Find a quiet, peaceful place. This need not be a secret or even sacred location. It only needs to be an area where you can spend a few minutes undisturbed. This place might be your bedroom, your garden, under a tree in a park or even alone in your office. Choose a place where you can retire daily for meditation. If necessary, let others know that you need a few moments alone.
Make sure you are sitting comfortably. Sit in a comfortable position. This may be in a chair or on a park bench, a pillow or even the ground. While many are comfortable sitting in a traditional lotus, or simple crossed-legged, position, this is not necessary for meditation. Comfort is key. It is also helpful to set a timer for 10 to 20 minutes, or the time you have available. This allows you to focus completely on your meditation without worrying about your schedule.
Find a peaceful mental image, and focus on it. Close your eyes, and begin to clear your mind. It is important to let go of all thoughts and worries. Remind yourself that all of your problems can wait for a short while. As you notice various thoughts start to slowly creep in or even just pop into your mind suddenly, let them go. Redirect your attention to either the sound of your breathing or to a peaceful mental image. You might picture yourself lying on a beach or in a meadow or floating on a gentle wave. Use any peaceful image that works for you.
Yogic breathing is calming and relaxing. Practice breathing exercises. Deep breathing helps to relax the body and quiet the mind. Try this simple yoga breathing technique. Sit up comfortably. Place your hands either on your lap or in prayer position. Slightly constrict the muscles in the throat as you breathe in. The breath should make a soft hissing sound. Exhale slowly, first relaxing the chest, then squeezing the abdominal muscles back toward the spine. Inhale slowly, first filling the stomach like a balloon, then expanding the chest. Repeat this full yogic breath, known as Ujjayi, for 20 breaths or more.
Bring the meditation to a close. Return your breathing to normal. Begin to gently wiggle your fingers and toes, then start to move the muscles in your limbs. Lastly, open your eyes, and bring your attention back to the present. You are now ready to tackle the day. Practice meditation daily, preferably at the same time each day for maximum benefit. An article in Psychology Today points out that regular meditation helps to decrease the negative effects of stress, mild depression and anxiety.