How to Compress My Chakra Points Into One
Things You'll Need
- Cushion (optional)
Begin the Meditation
Prepare a meditation space and set aside at least one hour to perform the complete meditation. Sit comfortably with your legs crossed and one hand on each knee.
Close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply throughout the whole meditation.
Visualize each chakra's color, elements and energy in order to awaken the chakra.
Awaken the Chakras
Awaken the first chakra at the base of the spine, named Muladhara. The chakra's color is red and its energy corresponds to the element earth, your physical identity and your sense of grounding.
Awaken the second chakra in the lower back, named Svadhisthana. The chakra's color is orange and its energy corresponds to the element water, your emotional identity and sexuality.
Awaken the third chakra in the solar plexus, named Manipura. The chakra's color is yellow and its energy corresponds to the element fire, your personal power and your metabolism.
Awaken the fourth chakra in the heart, named Anahata. The chakra's color is green and its energy corresponds to the element air, your ability to love and your compassion.
Awaken the fifth chakra in the throat, named Vishuddha. The chakra's color is blue and its energy corresponds to sound, your creative identity and your communication. After visualizing the chakra, repeat a series of short chants, since this chakra is a sound chakra. Try repeating the seed sounds of the chakras---lam, vam, ram, yam, ham, ksham and a period of silence for the seventh chakra---several times, at your own pace.
Awaken the sixth chakra in the brow at the third-eye position, named Ajna. The chakra's color is indigo and its energy corresponds to light, your way of seeing and your intuition. After visualizing the chakra, open your eyes and focus on a colorful object such as a piece of fruit or a painting, since this chakra is a visual chakra.
Awaken the seventh chakra in the crown at the top of your head, named Sahasrara. The chakra's color is purple and its energy corresponds to thought, your consciousness and wisdom.
Align the Chakras
Empty your mind of all thought and breathe deeply for several minutes, with all of your chakras awakened.
Slowly lie down on your back and stretch out your arms perpendicular to your torso. Close your eyes and breathe deeply twice.
Visualize your chakras aligned, from your crown to the base of your spine. In this visualization, each chakra should be the same size and spread out in a line along your spine.
Visualize the chakra at the base of your spine slowly spreading throughout your body as peaceful white energy. Visualize the chakra in your lower back slowly spreading throughout your body as peaceful white energy. Repeat with the remaining five chakras.
Open your eyes and breathe deeply for several minutes. Slowly get up.