How to Write Guided Imagery
Writing Guided Imagery
Make a comfortable writing environment. Lighting some candles gives the room a warm glow that can be very peaceful. Reduce the interference of annoying background noises by playing some soothing music or pleasant nature sounds, such as ocean waves.
Before you pick up a pencil or open your computer, close your eyes and relax. Immerse yourself in the imagined scene. Pay attention to even the smallest of details: the feeling of grass under your feet, the scent of salty ocean air, or the the sound of the soft breeze blowing through the leaves on the trees.
Start writing. Instead of dwelling on word choice, sentence structure, grammar, or other details, just let your writing flow. Try your best to capture the images and other aspects of the scene you produced in your mind earlier.
When you have finished exploring and recreating the scene in your words, go back to the beginning and start writing an introduction that encourages the listener to relax. Focus on different parts of the body and invite the reader to let her tension and stress evaporate. Instruct the reader to clear his mind by letting go of his worries and remaining "in the moment."
After you have finished your writing, read over your guided imagery script. Feel free to edit and refine your descriptions.