How to Send Chakra to the Soles of the Feet
Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and allow your breathing to relax.
Focus your attention on your breathing. Picture the flow of oxygen along your spine. Feel energy ascending along your spine with each inhalation and descending with each exhalation. Imagine energy as an electric pulse or wave of color that you can see and feel flowing throughout your entire body.
Awaken your chakras. Focus your energy on locating the seven chakras in your body: crown (above the head), brow (between the eyes), throat (neck), heart (close to the heart), solar plexus (between belly button and bottom of rib cage), sexual (near the groin), root (base of spine), and foot (split between the two balls of the feet). Picture the chakras as wheels of color, which brighten as you focus on each one.
Repeat each chakra name mentally as you pass by them from head to toe, sending energy slowly down to the soles of your feet. Imagine that you can see energy as an electric pulse or color, spinning the chakra wheels as you send it down.
Feel the energy circling in the balls of your feet as you imagine it slowly releasing from your body into the Earth.