How to Achieve the Impossible
Write on a piece of paper what your "impossible" goal is. The goal can be thought of as impossible for you to achieve, such as losing a certain amount of weight, becoming a powerful attorney or earning the Nobel Peace Prize. Your goal can also be something that is deemed as impossible by the general public, such as finding a solution to world hunger, developing a cure for AIDs or inventing a tool that takes society to the next level -- as electricity, telephones and cars did.
Write a plan on how you think you can achieve your goal. Add as many details as possible. Keep in mind that as you move forward, new opportunities to achieve your goal may develop. The purpose of this plan is for you to create ideas on achieving your goal in order to start moving in the right direction.
Talk to friends and family about your goal. By talking to others who are supportive, you can begin to believe your goal is achievable. In addition, you're lkely to find that others can help you or know people who can.
It is common for athletes to visualize their performances before major competitions. You can put this technique to work to accomplish what you want. According to Mike Dooley, author of the New York Times Best Seller "Infinite Possibilities" and speaker in the hit movie "The Secret," find a quiet room and visualize for no more than 10 minutes per day. Longer than that will cause your mind to wander. Picture yourself achieving your goal, but do not focus on how it will be done. Try to focus on the emotions you will feel when you've reached your goal. Some people find creating a visualization board helps. This is a poster board with magazine clippings and photos relating to what you are trying to accomplish.
Stay positive, even if it seems like all has been lost. One of the reasons people think the possible is impossible is because they have given up. Keep yourself motivated by reading positive materials, watching motivational movies and remembering all you have achieved up to that point -- even if your accomplishments seem to be small. Create little celebrations for yourself when you reach a milestone and keep your mind on the end result.