The Effects of Deep Breathing
Deep breathing involves expanding the rib cage, the stomach and the lower back during the inhalation. The movement of the body in a deep breath brings the diaphragm down on the inhalation and up during the exhalation. This movement in the body massages the internal organs and stimulates the lymphatic system to rid the body of toxins through the breath. The lymphatic system relies on the movement in the body during breathing to move waste fluids through the body to be flushed out. When the lymphatic system is not working properly, you can experience fatigue, inflammation and weight gain.
Relaxation and Stress Elimination
Deep breathing can help to trigger the relaxation response in the body. Those experiencing constant stress produce the hormones cortisol and adrenaline. Producing these hormones over a long period can be damaging to the body, resulting in symptoms such as muscle tension, depression and insomnia. Eliminating stress can have a positive effect on the body when production of these hormones is reduced.
Mental Fog Elimination
Stress and poor breathing habits can affect concentration and cause mental fatigue. Deep breathing oxygenates the body and revitalizes every cell in the body. A break in the day to practice deep breathing techniques can help to blow away the cobwebs and restore your clarity for the rest of the day.
Weight Loss
Deep breathing can help to increase the metabolism and aid in digestion, according to Health Central. Practicing deep breathing exercises can trigger the body to burn fat for energy instead of depleting energy from the cells of the body, according to Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP. This benefit of deep breathing is the same reason aerobic activity is beneficial for fat burning and weight loss.