Meditatation Techniques
Transcendental Meditation
Transcendental meditation is practiced by continuously chanting a word or phrase, called a mantra. Allow your mind to drift into a dream-like state, free of distractions, and chant any positive word you desire. This meditation technique is helpful for those who have a hard time staying focused. Chanting helps keep the mind from thinking about other things.
Breath Watching
This meditation technique involves being mindful of the air that goes in and out of your lungs. To perform breath watching, sit in a comfortable position. Inhale slowly through your nose and release the air back out through your nose. Do not allow your mind to think about anything else but the air going in and out of your lungs.
Mindful Meditation
Unlike other meditation techniques that discourage your mind from thinking about your surroundings, mindful meditation is performed by being keenly aware of what's going on around you. To use this technique, focus on the sights, sounds, smells and sensations of your surroundings and how they make you feel while meditating. Mindful meditation allows your mind to be open to your true feelings without judgment.
Empty Mind Meditation
Empty mind meditation is done by emptying your mind and allowing it to naturally go into a state of serenity. When doing this meditation technique, sit with your legs crossed and your spine straight as possible. Your surroundings should be completely free of interruptions. Shift your focus to not thinking about anything and allow the mind to rest.