How to Calculate a Biorhythm Chart
Open a biorhythm chart calculator. A number of good calculators can be found in the Resource section below.
Enter the month, day and year you were born on in the appropriate boxes labeled "Birth Year" or "DOB."
Choose "Small," "Medium" or "Large" from "Chart Size." A large chart is easier to read, but a small chart loads faster.
Fill in your name in the "Name" box, and choose the number of days you would like the chart to cover from the "Days in Cycle" menu. Thirty days is a typical cycle, and some calculators choose 30 automatically.
Click "Submit" or "Calculate." The line that runs vertically from the top to the bottom of the chart marks today's date and where you are in your current cycle.
View the key code beside the biorhythm chart. This tells you what each colored line means. Wherever these lines cross, the vertical line shows how high or low these areas of your life are today. For example, a blue line that crosses at the top of the chart might mean that you have a high sense of your physical self today.
Follow the colored lines to track where the different aspects of your mood will be on different days.