Pain Relief Affirmations
An affirmation is a statement that you repeat daily to reprogram your mind. Although pain is a physical sensation, your mind has the power to set up the right conditions for pain relief. Stress can make pain worse, so if you can train your mind to relax, it can be extremely helpful. Once you make the changes, you can support and enhance them through updating the affirmations.
You must write pain-relief affirmations that are believable and realistic before you start to implement them in your life. If you are suffering from chronic pain, you're probably not going to be able to relieve all of your pain through using affirmations. Instead, you should focus on affirmations that set the right conditions for lessening your discomfort. Don't write something like "My body is free of all pain." Instead, write "My body is relaxed and in a condition to release its pain."
Implement your pain-relief affirmations in your daily life. Repeat them in the morning, right after you wake up, and at night when you're going to bed. Right before and after sleep your subconscious mind is more receptive to suggestions. You can also use them to center yourself if you are having severe pain at some point during the day.
Don't skip a day in saying your affirmations. If you repeat them consistently every morning and evening, they will become part of your routine. As you see their positive effect, you can alter them or write new ones to reflect your progress. For example, you might say, "My body is feeling better and I am working to maintain that progress."