What Is Guided Imagery?
According to Hartford (Connecticut) Hospital, guided imagery refers to different techniques to direct images we receive through our senses, in order to connect with memory and energy.
The purpose of guided imagery is as an alternative method to induce relaxation, to relieve stress or physical conditions, to prepare for surgery, or to increase healing.
Relaxation Response
Guided imagery puts a patient in a more relaxed state of mind, allowing the body to heal, decrease pain and increase a sense of well-being.
How it Works
By focusing our attention on images connected with the problem, the patient is able to work out a communication with that issue and discover what it has to teach, reveal or offer a patient. Information gained from this is helpful in tapping inner resources for healing or pain relief.
Forms of guided imagery range from methods of visualization, suggesting an image, stories, and includes emotions, feelings, memories and appetites, among others. It begins with the patient becoming aware of her breath and heart rate.
Mental Images
Since mental images form the basis of our perceptions of ourselves and the world around us, guided imagery helps the individual take a more positive control of a medical situation and influences our beliefs and attitudes toward recovery.