How to Make a Meditation Pillow
Things You'll Need
- Fabric Buckwheat hulls Thread Sewing machine Scissors
Figure out what size of meditation pillow you're going to need. You'll need to consider where you will be doing your meditation. If it's on the grass, you won't need such a thick pillow. If you do most of your meditating on a hard floor, then a thicker and more comfortable pillow is advised. Write down what measurements you believe will make a big enough pillow for you and add approximately 1.5 inches on all sides to allow for the seams.
Gather your supplies. You should be able to find buckwheat hulls for the inside of the pillow at a store that sells craft, meditation supply or yoga products. You can also order them online if you can't find them locally. You should be able to find your fabric at the craft store or local fabric store. Be sure to choose a fabric that's easily maintained and cleaned.
Cut out the two panels for your pillow covering per your measurements. Place the two panels with the right sides together and pin together. Sew a seam around three of the sides. On the last side sew only half the seam closed so you'll have room to fill it with the buckwheat hulls.
Turn the pillowcase right side out. You should end up with a square that's sewed together, with one seam left partially open. Fill the pillow with the amount of buckwheat hulls you desire to sit on. This is a personal preference, since the pillow is being made for your meditation use and comfort alone.
Fold the open seam toward the inside, once the pillow is filled, and pin together. Using your sewing machine, stitch the last portion of the seam together, closing it. You now have your own meditation pillow, handcrafted by you.