How to Make Meditation Cushions
Things You'll Need
- 2 yards of fabric for each cushion Iron Sewing machine Thread Pins Scissors Two to three bags of Polyfil or other stuffing Herbs associated with relaxation (optional)
Wash and thoroughly dry each length of material. Use your dryer's low setting, so the fabric will come out less wrinkled. Press any creases out of the fabric before you begin sewing.
Fold the 2 yards of fabric in half, with the right side of the material facing inward. Pin the edges around two of the open sides. On the third open side, only pin about halfway along. Remember, you'll already have the fourth side complete, because it is where you folded the fabric.
Stitch the two full sides shut. Sew halfway down the last side, leaving an opening where you stopped pinning. Reach in through the opening and turn the fabric back right side out. Press the material so that there are no bunches or tucks near the seams.
Stuff the pillow with Polyfil or other stuffing of your choice. For a softer pillow, use less stuffing, for a firmer pillow use more. If you would like to include some herbs associated with relaxation, such as lavender, go ahead and stuff them inside with the filling.
Pin the opening shut, and hand-stitch it closed. Plump your pillow up, place it on the floor, and begin your meditation session.