How to Practice Loving-Kindness Meditation

There are many ways to focus a meditation practice. One common way is to cultivate a sense of compassion and empathy for all beings. Loving-kindness (metta) meditation is one of the oldest Buddhist meditation practices, though it need not be limited to Buddhist practitioners. This type of medication can be adapted and practiced by anyone who wants to practice unconditional love.


    • 1

      Sit in a comfortable position. You should feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible.

    • 2

      Focus on your breathing for about 5 to 10 minutes.

    • 3

      Imagine a warm, pink light at your heart center (the area in the center of your chest). Focus on the heart center for a few deep breaths until you feel as though you are breathing from the heart center.

    • 4

      Repeat the following loving-kindness phrases:
      May I be free from danger.
      May I be safe.
      May I be free of suffering.
      May I be happy.
      May I be healthy and strong.
      May I be at ease.
      May I be joyful.

    • 5

      Think of someone for whom you have very warm and loving feelings. This can be a parent, friend, sibling or even a pet.

    • 6

      Repeat several of the traditional phrases:
      May you be free from danger.
      May you be safe.
      May you be free of suffering.
      May you be happy.
      May you be healthy and strong.
      May you be at ease.
      May you be joyful.

    • 7

      Think of someone for whom you have neutral feelings. This can be an acquaintance, a neighbor, even a person in the media. Repeat the loving-kindness phrases suggested in Step 6 for this individual.

    • 8

      Think of someone for whom you have negative feelings. This can be a person who causes you anxiety or pain. Repeat the loving-kindness phrases suggested in Step 6 for this individual.

    • 9

      Radiate loving kindness to all beings. Repeat the loving-kindness phrases for all beings.

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