How to Self Motivate With Winning Words
Winning words.
Stop talking badly to yourself. Phrases like "I can't" and "I should" are losing phrases. Replace them with "I won't" and "I could" and see your thought process change. Try writing down what you say to yourself when you are faced with a situation that makes you unsure. This will give you a great opportunity to start changing your thought process. When you replace "It's not my fault" with "I am responsible," and "What am I going to do?" with "I can handle this," you are off to a great start.
The power of suggestion is amazing, so use it on yourself. Pick a daily mantra that empowers you and repeat it several times throughout the day. Yell it out loud in the car; sing it in the shower. If you hear something enough, it becomes your truth. Tell yourself, "I am having a wonderful day."
Pump yourself up. You may forget your mantra one day or find yourself slipping into the "poor me" attitude you used to have, but let's not forget all those other times you were a warrior. Pat yourself on the back for what you do right.
Remind yourself. Leave little notes containing your power words or mantra in places you don't really expect to need them: the sock drawer, the shower door, on the ice cream inside the freezer or on your visor in the car. Catching sight of these winning words sends a mental jolt to the brain that re-energizes it and reaffirms your power.
Keep it up. One of the reasons many people don't get what they want or need is that they quit. Don't be a quitter until the new habits are firmly in place. It may take longer than you thought, but there isn't a time limit on using winning words to add to your personal power.