How to Use Meditation for Weight Loss
Things You'll Need
- Candles or incense (optional)
- A pillow or chair (optional)
Create a meditation space in a quiet section of your home or office. You may want to decorate your meditation space with pictures, inspirational quotes, candles or incense. Decide if you want to include the use of a pillow or chair during your weight loss meditation session, or if you prefer to sit on the floor.
Reserve at least 15 minutes per day for you to meditate. Minimize distractions by unplugging the telephone and chasing any pets out of the room. You may want to create a do not disturb sign that you can hang on the door that leads to your meditation space so that friends and family will respect your privacy.
Sit comfortably in your meditation space and close your eyes. With each exhalation, breathe out any tension that has built up in your physical body. Continue to do this until your body is totally relaxed and your mind is calm.
Imagine a white light surrounding you. With each inhalation, breathe in this white light and feel it flowing through your body providing nourishment, love and peace. Move on to the next step when you feel satisfied and content.
Imagine you are seeing your physical body at its ideal weight. Notice how healthy you look and how perfectly your clothes fit. Hold this image in your mind for a few minutes while experiencing the satisfaction and joy that comes with seeing yourself as you were meant to be.
Open your eyes and sit quietly in your meditation space for a few moments. When you feel ready, stand up slowly and stretch your arms over your head for a few seconds. Your sensory perceptions may be heightened and you may feel that you have more energy after completing the weight loss meditation. Use this to your advantage by taking a short walk or preparing a healthy snack.