How to Do Awareness Meditation
Choose a meditation posture. For this meditation technique, you'll want to sit comfortably, in a position you can reasonably maintain without a lot of wiggling and adjusting.
Start by noticing your breath. Pay attention to the pace of your breath, how it sounds and where you can feel it in your body. Just observe your breath, without forcing it to be any particular length or depth. Do this part of the meditation technique for at least five minutes.
Shift your attention away from concentrating solely on your breath and notice your thoughts. Put yourself in the role of observer. You want to observe your thoughts as they pass through your mind, rather than lingering on any one thought.
Acknowledge other things that demand your awareness. If you have an itch, place your awareness on the itch.
Label your thoughts and distractions in a nonjudgmental way. Instead of thinking "That mosquito bite itches me like crazy," try labeling it with awareness with a single word like "itch."
Allow your awareness to go where it needs to. Keep from forcing anything. But, always come back to the main part of this awareness meditation technique where you simply breath, and place your awareness on thoughts.