How to Follow Simple Meditation Techniques
Follow simple meditation techniques. Meditation is taught in different ways by varying religious groups, holistic and alternative medicine specialists, counselors, psychiatrists and psychologists. For most, the first step is finding a quiet place. Zen "just sitting" methods call for a comfortable chair or space to sit. You may sit, lie down or even stand. That's the beauty of meditation: you can meditate while standing in the grocery store line. Meditation may be done anywhere, at most any time.
Focus your mind on a scene you find restful and peaceful. Some people say imagining a running river, still and quiet lake or the ocean works best for them. Meditation experts call this "going to your quiet place" in your mind.
Let go of the incessant "voices" you hear in your mind. It helps many people to think the words, "I am at peace," until they feel themselves relax.
Breathe deeply. Inhale through your nostrils until you feel your chest fill with air all the way to the bottom of your diaphragm. Then, exhale slowly through your mouth. Feel your body and mind relax more and more when you follow these simple meditation techniques.
Think about how you are part of the universe, the ebb and flow of life. Think about the people, places and things you love in your life. Go deep inside until you find your place of calm and peace. Accept the fact that you are a valuable person with new possibilities all around you. The fact that you are alive and breathing is cause to be grateful.
Refresh yourself with simple meditation techniques for a few seconds, if that's all you have at the moment. Meditating for 20 to 30 minutes each day is ideal. And try to set aside longer periods of time when you're under great stress. But you may notice great health benefits with only a few minutes daily.