How to Do Simple Movement Meditation
Movement meditation is a path to balance, inner strength and peace. This simple movement meditation is similar to a practice called latihan, in which one is guided by their inner impulses for movement. Latihan comes from the Indonesian term latihan kejiwaan, meaning "training of the inner self."There is no right or wrong way to do this meditation, as is it essentially an inner guidance practice where one connects to her divine intuition. The steps below can be done solo or with others.Things You'll Need
- Quiet space with room to move freely
- Music (optional)
A Simple Movement Meditation
Be sure to dress in clothing that allows for free movement. Start the music, if you wish. Begin standing, lying down, sitting, or in whatever position feels good to you.
Close your eyes. Focus your intent on connecting fully with your inner guidance.
Just wait. Notice any sensations in your body. Notice your breathing. If you are standing, you will notice that even though you are not initiating movement, your body may sway, your head may move, etc.
Follow any impulses for movement. For instance, if your body is rocking, allow it to rock. If you feel an impulse to raise your arms, do so.
If you feel any sensations in your body, connect a sound to them. You may hum, tone, or make any sound, as long as it is connected to the sensation. Express yourself freely, and continue to follow your impulses.Also, notice any thoughts that cross your mind. Allow them to be there. You might find that after a while, your mind becomes quiet.
Continue the meditation until you feel it is complete. With daily practice, you might find that your connection to your intuition becomes stronger and clearer!