How to Meditate on the Chakras
Sit or lie in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and breathe deeply in and out, counting on every exhale until you reach 20. Observe any thoughts that pass through your mind, but gently let them go.
Envision the Muladhara chakra at the base of your spine. See it as a round red light spinning like a wheel. Focus on the color and this chakra's function as the center of energy for how you interpret and react to the physical world.
Envision the Swadhisthana chakra in the area of your reproductive organs. See it as a round orange light spinning like a wheel. Focus on the color and this chakra's function as the center of energy for your creativity.
Envision the Manipura chakra in the area of your solar plexus or navel. See it as a round yellow light spinning like a wheel. Focus on the color and this chakra's function as the center of energy for your emotions.
Envision the Anahata chakra in the area of your chest or heart. See it as a round green light spinning like a wheel. Focus on the color and this chakra's function as the center of energy for love.
Envision the Vishuddha chakra in the area of your throat. See it as a round blue light spinning like a wheel. Focus on the color and this chakra's function as the center of energy for expression and communication.
Envision the Ajna chakra in the area of your forehead. See it as a round indigo (blue-ish purple) light spinning like a wheel. Focus on the color and this chakra's function as the center of energy for your spirituality.
Envision the Sahasrara chakra at the top of your head. See it is a round violet-white light spinning like a wheel. Focus on the color and this chakra's function as the center of energy for connecting with God.
Envision all seven chakras spinning together in unison. This can be difficult, but gets easier with every meditation session.
Clear your mind and breathe deeply in and out, counting on the exhale until you get to 20. Again, observe any thoughts that pass through your mind, but gently let them go. Open your eyes, stand up and feel more balanced the rest of the day.