How to Record a Pre-Sleep Suggestion Tape
First visit a physician to help you determine whether your insomnia is due to a greater medical condition. Have a full physical to rule out any complications with medications you might be taking to aid in your quest for sleep.
Get a small tape recorder to record your voice with. Get into a relaxed state and make sure your voice is free of tension or anxiety before attempting to record.
Start the tape and speak softly and clearly into the tape recorder. Begin by stating your purpose for the tape. You might say, "This tape is to help you get to sleep, it will help you get sleepy faster and aide in relaxation."
Think of a hypnotic suggestion or a scene that you would like to visualize. Many people describe walking down a long staircase while counting each step, or sitting on a beach or lying in a hammock. Walk through your imagery verbally for the tape. You might say, "You are at a beautiful beach....staring out into the vast ocean...your feet are in the sand, there is a cool breeze...".
Say, "At the end of this tape you will be sleep and you will awaken fresh in the morning, feeling wonderful and well rested" or something similar at the end of your sleep suggestion. This statement will help the suggestion of sleep to seep into your brain.
Time your pre-sleep suggestion tape to last at least 5 to 10 minutes, just long enough for you to become fully relaxed. Consider playing peaceful music at a low volume behind your tape, or record the wind blowing to help the ambiance of your tape.
Listen to your tape when you are lying in your bed, with no other interruptions such as the television. Ensure that the room is dark, and that you are completely settled and ready to fall asleep before you begin.