How to Transendentally Meditate for Mind, Body and Soul
Things You'll Need
- A quiet place
- 20 minutes of time per day
Find a quiet place (with no music, no human voices and minimal industrial noise), a chair that allows you to sit upright (no slouching) and half an hour at a time of day you have at your disposal on a regular basis. Place hands on thighs, then "partially" close eyes, or rather let the eyelids fall down. If you trust/worship a divinity/supreme being, think about the highest form of that essence. If you don't, that's okay. Proceed anyway.
Say the montra "Om," which if pronouced the way it is in the East, has all of the vowels in all languages in it and let it vibrate through your body, going up and down the spine (activiting the shakra centers). If you have a relationship with the divinity, offer yourself and your earthly accomplishments to that divinity as if it is your last breath, then on the inhale, let the divinity come into you. Concentrate your eyes on a point with is midway between your eyes and, as imagined, about 4 inches in front of the forehead. (If you let yourself look at any point "behind" that distance, you will be watching your own thoughts and pulled in by them...something you don't want to happen.) With your ears, concentrate on the sound "Om" as you say it, then think it. Concentrate your inner ears also on the sound of silence that will emerge (or which you maybe already hear, particularly if you have spent time merging with nature in quiet, snowy woods). Concentrate your physical energy on the solar plexus, 4 inches below the belly button.
Keep concentrating as in the above step and let the mind "wind itself down." Try to not think about other things, but don't actively fight thoughts that come to you. Watch them from a detached you are "soul" watching the mind think.
Come back out of the "zone" in 15-20 minutes. You will develop an instinct for this, but in the meantime, let someone else ring a bell. Do not use an alarm clock. Also, try to avoid ticking clocks during your session(s), as you want to not have a sense of "linear" time. Repeat this procedure the same time of day every day, and you will find that you are in better control of your emotions, have a sharper mind, and just may come down with very good physical health (one of the first indications of it...a lowered resting heart rate).