How to Turn Dog Walking Into a Meditation Practice
Practice mindfulness while walking. Mindfulness means being in the moment without ruminating about the past or trying to plan out the future. Start by focusing your awareness on the physical experience of walking. Feel the ground under your feet; be aware of body sensations; notice how the air feels on your skin.
Pay attention to what you are thinking about. Whether you're planning a grocery list or prioritizing your work tasks for the next day notice this and let the thoughts go. Gently return your attention to the experience of walking.
Watch your dog for pointers on mindfulness. Dogs do not ruminate about the past, nor do they try to figure out the future. A dog on a walk is completely focused on the task of walking, which means absorbing as much of the experience in the moment as possible. Your dog will not miss much along the way. He will notice every squirrel and chipmunk, every sound, every smell. All his senses are completely engaged in the business of going for a walk.
Introduce a deep breathing practice. Inhale deeply and slowly, and exhale slowly and fully as you walk. Concentrate on your breath flowing in and out. Alternate several of these deep breaths with normal breathing.
Experience your surroundings. Look at the plants and trees, the colors of the leaves, the quality of the light, the sounds of the birds and the insects. Combine this with your deep breathing practice by inhaling your experience.
Observe your dog again for more tips. Your dog is definitely incorporating a breathing practice into the walk. Blades of grass are noticed and scrutinized, and the experience of that moment is inhaled deeply and fully. By experiencing the world through the breath, your dog is living very much in the moment.