How to Use Tarot Cards in Daily Meditation
Pick a tarot card deck for yourself. There are more and more decks available all the time, some with beautiful artwork. Some newer ones are based on literary works such as Lord of the Rings. Others draw on Native American or other cultural influences. There are also the older, better known decks like the Ryder decks. Look at a number of them before you choose. Get one that really speaks to you with its colors, style of artwork and symbolic depictions.
Begin a one card meditation practice. Seat yourself comfortably and take several deep, relaxing breaths. Shuffle the tarot deck and spread the cards out in a fan face down. Inhale, exhale and place your hands on the cards. Pick up the card you feel most drawn to and turn it up.
Study the card you have drawn. Ask yourself what is depicted on the card, and what meaning comes to mind for you. Consider the colors, images and general tone of the card.
Meditate on the card. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and breathe deeply and slowly. Let the image of the card rest in your thoughts. Contemplate it without demanding immediate answers. This is where you will begin the process of insight into yourself.
Ask yourself what lesson you might take from the card and the thoughts it generates in your mind. Consider what this lesson might tell you about yourself, your current struggles in life, what is bothering you or holding you back, your strengths, your values or anything else that might contribute to your self-understanding.
Keep the image of the card and the meanings it has generated in your mind with you throughout the rest of the day. Carry it with you without demanding too much of it. Reflect on the lesson of the card from time to time throughout the day. Let new insights come to you as they arrive. Incorporate the lesson of the card into your actions.