How to Visualize a Calmer Mind
Find a comfortable, quiet spot to lie down or sit during your mind healing. Turn off phones and televisions or anything that could break your concentration.
Notice the tip of your nose and your breath's warmness. Follow the stream of air in and out of your nostrils.
Pay attention to the tip of your nose while feeling the vibration of your lungs as they fill and empty of air. Focus on this sensation for six breaths.
Imagine a deep pond in the center of your body. Concentrate on the waves in the pond, then looking up towards the sky for clouds.
Fall deeper into the image of the pond and clouds. Distance yourself from any thoughts or emotions you have.
Visualize tossing a tiny rock into the pond, while calmly breathing in and out. Picture the rock falling further into the calmness within you.
Dwell on the rock on the bottom of the pond as long as you can. Step back and realize the mind healing that has occurred.