How to Think Outside the Box

Thinking outside of the box requires a person to be willing to think past accepted concepts and perspectives, to strive for the different. Thinking outside the box means seeking creative ideas. This form of pondering requires practice.


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      Develop a new approach to solve problems. Be open to new possibilities that don't conform to the conventional ideas. Go beyond normal and look for alternative wisdom.

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      Explore all your options. Don't settle for the first thing that comes to mind. Look at every angle by viewing things from a clean pair of glasses.

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      Be a good listener and you'll hear things you've never heard before. The opinions presented could lead to solutions so listen carefully when someone is speaking.

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      Determine not to settle for status quo. Strive for the unconventional ways, reach for the stars, be unique. Don't be afraid of people placing judgement it's a lesson for us all. That's thinking outside of the box.

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      Practice thinking opposite of what comes natural. If you're trained to see the glass half-empty then see it half-full. If money never mattered then live like it does. These experiments will help re-train the mind to re-frame your thoughts.

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      Read things that aren't particularly what you'd normally choose. Pick up a book that would not be on your best seller list and read it. Write about it. Read science, history,non-fiction and fiction. Study a new language. This will stimulate the mind to think outside of the box.

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      Change the way your mind thinks by allowing yourself to be creative. Be willing to change. It will get you to think abstractly.

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