How to Improve Posture with Feldenkrais
Relax. Feldenkrais is not like any other form of exercise. It is non-aerobic and requires deep relaxation to get in tune with each specific movement. For example, to attain proper posture achieve self-awareness and align with gravity.
Find a practitioner. Feldenkrais is becoming increasingly more popular but it could still be challenging to find an instructor. Search the Internet and ask around for referrals.
Learn your lesson. Group lessons are taught from an ATM technique, Awareness Through Movement. The instructor will give soft verbal commands to do specific movements. ATM focuses on motor function skills, self-awareness and self-image.
Take individual lessons with the functional integration technique. This method of Feldenkrais can help improve posture as the instructor gently manipulates the body positions with their hands on the client to guide the process.
Move efficiently without causing pain in order to increase motor movements. Exercise will incorporate the proper alignment of the head with the hips, ankles and feet which will in turn correct your posture.
Stabilize to keep center of gravity. Don't let emotions drag your body down into a slump. Body positions often demonstrate the inner feelings of a person. Keep a positive attitude to influence the body, mind and spirit. Be aware of feelings.
Nourish the soul. Improve confidence and self esteem to stand tall. Discover the parts of the body in a sensitive way to nurture what has been lost in personal identity and contact with the world. Rejuvenate.