How to Recover Faster From Surgery With Alternative Therapy
Things You'll Need
- Computer with Internet access
- Vitamin supplements
Recover Faster From Surgery With Autosuggestion
Look for a comfortable, quiet location where you won't experience any interruptions or distractions.
Try to clear your mind of all thoughts. This will be difficult at first. It will get easier with practice. When thoughts do enter your mind, take a minute to acknowledge them. Let them pass.
Focus on the tense points in your body. You'll need to know exactly where you're carrying tension and stress in order to make yourself fully relaxed.
Take deep breaths to focus on releasing the tension in your identified places. As you inhale, imagine a bright light filled with energy, or life force.
Count backwards from 10 when you feel truly relaxed. It may help for you to imagine each number in your head as you're counting.
Create a positive statement about your upcoming or recent surgery. Your statement can be just about anything, as long as it has to do with a positive aspect of your speedy recovery.
Repeat your statement several times until you feel your mind responding to this suggestion.
Count from 0 to 10. Give yourself a moment to adjust to normal consciousness.
Get more information about autosuggestion and healing at the "Hypnosis Network" Web site (see Resources below).
Use Vitamin Therapy to Recover Faster from Surgery
Take vitamin A supplements. Vitamin A is known for boosting the immune system, which can help ward off infection after your surgery. Furthermore, vitamin A encourages new cell growth, which is essential for a rapid recovery.
Increase your vitamin C intake both before and after surgery. Some medical practitioners believe that vitamin C can boost your body's immune function and help it heal.
Add an extra dose of vitamin E as you recover from your surgery. Vitamin E is known for promoting healthy skin and hair growth; so it can help heal your wound faster.
Learn more about vitamin therapy and healing at the "Orthomolecular Medicine" Web site (see Resources below).