How to Practice Singing Meditation Techniques
Things You'll Need
- Tibetan singing bowl (optional)
- Computer with Internet access
- Quiet, dedicated space for meditation
Prepare for Meditation
Change into clothing that fits loosely and does not restrict your breathing or movement in any way.
Seat yourself on the floor. You may use a small pillow for added comfort or sit in a chair, if you wish. Whichever you choose, it is imperative that you keep your back as straight as possible. This allows energy to flow through you more readily. It also maximizes your diaphragm's power.
Assume a proper position. When seated on the floor, legs should be crossed flat, with your knees touching the floor. If you're seated in a chair your feet should be shoulder width apart, flat and straight. Hands can either rest on your legs or be held in a position specific to the type of meditation you practice.
Exercise proper breathing. Depending on the style of meditation you use, or if you simply have developed your own, deep and rhythmic breathing is an essential step in achieving the tranquility and calmness required for effective meditation.
Use Singing Techniques During Meditation
Have a mantra. This is a phrase, often spiritual in nature, that is chanted again and again during meditation. However, instead of chanting it, sing it in long, flat notes.
Concentrate on the quality, pitch and timbre of your voice, allowing no other thoughts to enter your mind as you sing your mantra. If intrusive thoughts manage to penetrate your concentration, simply allow them to run their natural course and reach their end, then continue meditating.
Learn to use a Tibetan singing bowl online (see Resources below). When tapped with a spoon, these bowls create melodic chimes which you can sing along with as you meditate. Many traditionalists find them extremely useful.
Play special meditation music. Many Web sites offer free downloads. You'll find plenty of options by conducting a simple Internet search.
Receive special instruction. If you're interested in a particular style of meditation, see if any centers in your town or city offer lessons. The New Age meditation style known as 5Rhythms, for example, uses singing as an integral technique.
Practice meditation daily. Its beneficial effects are most readily felt when it becomes a part of your regular routine.