How to Use Meditation for Relaxation
Things You'll Need
- Computer with Internet access
- Isolated personal space in which to meditate
Use Meditation to Relax
Have a section of your home specially dedicated to meditation. Always meditate in the same space. You will begin to subconsciously associate that place in your home with meditative relaxation.
Wear comfortable clothing that does not restrict your movements when you meditate.
Breathe deeply and rhythmically. If you're a meditation novice and want detailed, step-by-step instruction on the various meditative techniques available for your use, visit the World Wide Online Meditation Center (see Resources below).
Put some meditation music on. This can aid your concentration. If you become distracted, you can always readjust by focusing on the music again. Many free meditation music downloads are available on the World Wide Web.
Focus on a single sound or object. For sounds, repeat a single word (called a "mantra") over and over. The word "Om," Sanskrit for "perfection," is the quintessential example of a mantra. If you want to focus on an object, choose an everyday object in your meditation space. Concentrate on its shape, lines, colors and textures for the entire duration of your meditation session.
Visualize. Mentally travel to a soothing place from your childhood, somewhere you've visited before or someplace entirely imaginary. Use all 5 senses: Smell the place. Taste the fruit on its trees or the water in its streams. Listen to the sounds. Notice the temperature. Observe its details.
Practice. The more you meditate, the easier it will get, and the more deeply relaxed you should become.