How to Practice Jappa Meditation
Things You'll Need
- Set of 8 meditation crystals (recommended)
- Computer with Internet access
- Sanskrit mantra
- Candles or incense (recommended)
Enhance Your Meditation Using Jappa
Choose a mantra from "The Yoga Of Sound: Healing & Enlightenment Through the Sacred Practice of Mantra" (see Resources below). Jappa mantras are in the ancient Sanskrit language, and they usually invoke the name of God to tap into universal spiritual power.
Light your candles or stick of incense, or start a small fire if you have a fireplace. Invoking elemental fire is believed to heighten the power of your mantra.
Begin to meditate. Close your eyes, allow your breathing to become rhythmic and expunge all intrusive thoughts from your mind. Let your mind go blank to the greatest possible degree.
Invoke your Jappa by saying your Sanskrit mantra. Repeating your mantra precisely 36 times is considered a full Jappa meditation session.
Practice. It is important to meditate every day. You will find your ability to focus increases the more regularly you meditate. If you have to miss a day, make up for it by meditating twice the following day.
Use Crystals to Heighten Your Jappa Meditation Experience
Acquire a set of 8 meditation crystals. Prices are generally affordable, though high-quality crystal will be more expensive. Many purists claim that the higher the quality of the crystal, the more effective your meditation.
Set up two containers before you begin meditation. All 8 crystals should be in the first container when you begin.
Take the alpha crystal in your hand. This will be easily identifiable due to its different color. Make sure the set of crystals you purchase contains an alpha crystal.
Say your mantra. Then, place the alpha crystal in the empty second container and take another crystal from the first container.
Repeat this process until you come to the eighth and final crystal. When you finish saying your mantra, place the eighth crystal somewhere out of reach. You will now have 7 crystals remaining in the second container.
Take the alpha crystal from the second container and repeat Steps 4 and 5, placing the seventh crystal out of reach when you finish. You will now have 6 crystals remaining.
Repeat until, one by one, all remaining crystals are placed out of reach. The alpha crystal should be the last to be used. If you do this properly, you will have repeated your mantra exactly 36 times by the time you are left with only the alpha crystal.