How to Use Meditation Balls
Things You'll Need
- Computer with Internet access
- Meditation balls
Learn the Technique of Using Meditation Balls
Lay the palm of your hand flat. You can use meditation balls not only during meditation, but also anytime you're seated or while walking.
Place both meditation balls in the palm of your hand.
Use your thumb to push the ball closest to your wrist towards your pinky finger.
Raise your pinky finger to guide the ball towards your ring finger. The other ball should now be the one closest to your wrist.
Use each of your fingers, in sequence, to guide the top ball along your hand in a clockwise direction. Meanwhile, use your thumb and the base of the palm of your hand to guide the ball closest to your wrist back towards your pinky finger.
Repeat until you get comfortable moving the meditation balls in a fluid motion.
Keep both balls in contact with each other at all times. They shouldn't be banging into each other and distracting your concentration.
Increase your speed as you get better at controlling the meditation balls.
Reverse the direction of the meditation balls by using the thumb to guide the ball closest to your wrist up towards your index finger instead of towards your pinky finger. This counter-clockwise motion takes more practice, but is an effective way to vary the physical demands meditation balls make on your fingers.
Learn more. Visit the American Chinese Medicine Association Web site to find out more about Chinese health balls (see Resources below).